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Kristin, Director of Marketing and Customer Service

Laura, Director of Operations and chief communications officer

Daniel, Artistic Director and production engineer

Matthew, Director of Finance and Publications editor

Our story

Hi, we’re Laura and Kristin, and we have a confession: we love opening the mailbox and finding a hand addressed envelope among all the bills and advertisements inside. We love the thought and effort that goes into writing a letter. It’s a beautiful and personal way to express appreciation, support, celebration, and friendship. 

But while we love stationery, we haven’t always loved the options in most stores. We’ve often felt that the commercial stationery we could find just wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t unique enough, wasn’t personal enough, wasn’t … enough. So, even though we have never thought of ourselves as the “crafty” types, we developed a shared passion for making our own stationery. We grew our tastes and techniques together, and had a lot of fun doing it. We liked that we were able to choose each design ourselves, and that each piece is hand assembled. It turned into a wonderful hobby.

Over the years, we’ve had so much fun giving hand made stationery as gifts for weddings, showers, or other special occasions. Our friends and family would often ask if we sold our stationery, and after hearing that question a few times, we started to think: what if we did sell it? 

Sometime in 2016, on a road trip together, we found ourselves talking about that very question. It sounded big, and it sounded scary, but over the next three years, we kept coming back to the same idea. Each time we crept a little closer to taking the leap, and the dream started to become a reality. We talked our husbands, Matt and Daniel, into joining the team, and Fire Stationery was lit!

What’s up with that name?

On that same road trip in 2016, when this business idea was born, we stayed one night at Daniel’s house in rural Alabama. During breakfast, because of a problem with a fuse, one of the rooms in the house suddenly caught on fire. Panicked, we rushed to get Laura’s son and Daniel’s cat out of the house. Daniel single handedly kept the fire contained until the fire department arrived. Thankfully, no one was injured, and aside from one torched room, the house was spared. 

As we think back on that weekend, the decision to start a business will forever be linked in our minds with that house fire. Thus Fire Stationery.

What about the names for the colors?

One other blessing that we have experienced in our lives has been the ability to travel. We love seeing and exploring new places. Every card color is named after a city we have visited together, and we can tell you a memorable story about each one. Just ask!

Fun facts

Laura’s current favorite color is st. louis and she loves the nerdbird stamp. You can usually find her volunteering in the community or curled up with a good book.

Kristin’s current favorite color is nashville and her favorite stamp is the martini. You can usually find her in the studio.